
Hello Dear One,

OK! Do you potentially have a negative association with this mighty hormone?

And do you know about the MYRIAD of symptoms that can go along with elevated levels, AS WELL as how to reduce it naturally??

If not (& if SO), please read on.

Like the last blog post on TestosterONe – both men & women have Estrogen in their bodies.

Obviously men have less, & women have more – but both genders have that hormone in their makeup.

Men & women both ALSO have another hormone called Progesterone, which incidentally is a precursor to Testosterone in men, & a necessity for women to get pregnant! Fascinating!

There is an ideal balance between Progesterone & Estrogen in the body, & for women Progesterone is also considered the “happy hormone”, whereas high levels of Estrogen can make one feel CRAZY.

Things like wicked PMS, fluid retention, bloating, MIGRAINES, more weight on the frame, difficulty losing weight, low libido & increased risk of breast & reproductive cancer to name a few.

Good lord.

That stinks.

But it is also not the end of the story.

Our bodies naturally want to have a certain balance for optimal health & happiness, & the LIVER is an organ that was created to do a multitude of things INCLUDING filter Estrogen.

The liver is considered the Captain of the Body as it dictates & does so many things.

Some of it’s other functions include affecting digestion, detoxification, fat metabolism, & filtering Cholesterol (more on that another day).

Based on the state that the liver is in, it might either have loads of wiggle room or be struggling just to keep it’s head above water.

The body is brilliant & wants to keep us alive, so in that effort it will prioritize things that can actually kill us – which does not include naturally occurring substances (ahem, like Estrogen).

And the truth is there is SO MUCH in our environment (deliberately or inadvertently placed) that takes a toll toxin wise on our system, such as:

– pollution
– household cleaners
– dry cleaning
– pesticides/chemicals in our food
– hormones in our meat
– hair dye
– makeup
– perfume
– alcohol
– second hand smoke…

= insurmountable 🙁

And if the liver doesn’t have the bandwith to deal with all that, your body not only has a toll taken on it – but it also does not have space to filter the naturally occurring hormones that “may” be affecting the quality of your life, but are NOT deemed life threatening.

If any on the list of less than pleasant symptoms is getting you down (crazy PMS, fluid retention, bloating, migraines, increased weight, difficulty losing weight, low libido, increased risk of breast & reproductive cancer), please know there is a way out.

Which is??

Support your LIVER!

And supporting your liver is one big thing we do in Fat Burning Mastery in an incredibly complete way in order to help w/ fat burning, weight loss, & improved health as a whole.

And if liver or detoxification has been a valiant effort you’ve attempted to make periodically through time – please know that in order for that aim to be effective, it must be happening CONSTANTLY (ie: throughout the day, every day) as THAT is how detoxification WORKS.

So if you’d like to know more about the program that incorporates full body detoxification, robust liver support ( = healthier Estrogen levels+), & a strategy that focuses on reducing inflammation & improving health while making fat loss feel easy – please get to know a bit more about Fat Burning Mastery.

Curb the crazy, as well as your waistline, in an oh so natural kind of way. 😉

To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.

xox, M