Off Track, On Course #2 Sleep Deprived Exercise

Hello Dear One,

Too little sleep is no bueno for the body for MANY reasons, but it is ALSO not helpful in the waistline effort.

Main concerns:

– compromises thyroid and metabolism

– certain hormones get reset that support thyroid after 7 hours of sleep.

– our thyroid is the thing that supports our metabolism, NOT eating many small meals a day 😬

raises levels of the hormones cortisol (stress hormone), insulin (stores belly fat) , & ghrelin (hungrier, less satisfied w more food).

lowers levels of leptin (releases fat, more satisfied with less food), and testosterone (muscle mass, libido, energy, confidence, focus).

Ok, crap!

However there are ways to minimize the damage of hormonal disruption and what those hormones cause a body to want to do.



A) If you feel “ok” to do this despite getting less shut eye than ideal, do something that is LOW impact.

Walking. Slower biking. Using the elliptical...

No sprinting. No intense intervals. No strenuous weights.

When we’re sleep deprived we tend to either be solidly IN a sugar burning mode (hungrier, need to eat more often, crave sweet/starchy carbs), or have our fat burning mode be a little wobbly.

When we ask for fuel quickly (sprinting, intense bursts of energy) the body wishes to pull from sugar because it is the most quickly accessed fuel.

When we’re solidly in a fat burning mode we can do this without reverting to sugar for a time.

(See how to get solidly in a fat burning mode with the 5 week Fat Burning Mastery program)

When we’re sleep deprived AND ask for fuel quickly – it’s pretty likely a-Sugar Burning we will go.

So let’s not do that!

Let’s steady state it all the way this day!

B)  If you are DRAGGING & feel VERY out of sorts, do NOT exercise.

That will more than likely put your physiology into a tailspin and have you aiming to compensate with higher glycemic options, more food, and potentially even getting sick😭😭


To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.

xox, M