Off Track, On Course #4. Fat Burning Mastery Method

Hello Dear One!

Too little sleep is no bueno for the body for MANY reasons, but it is ALSO not helpful in the waistline effort.

Main concerns:

– compromises thyroid & metabolism

hormones get reset that support thyroid after 7 plus hours of sleep.

thyroid supports our metabolism, NOT eating many small meals a day 😬

raises levels of  cortisol, insulin, & ghrelin 

lowers levels of leptin & testosterone 

Ok, crap!

However there are ways to minimize the damage of hormonal disruption & what those hormones cause a body to want to do.



I try to drill this into my fat burners as if they do this daily/more often than less – they will either continue towards the size of their desires, or not go completely off the rails regardless of what’s happening.

What we aim to do DAILY:

bulletproof coffee in the morning
USANA shake/bar for lunch
fat burning meal for dinner
USANA supps 2xs/day

We aim to do this most/everyday because it keeps shit on track regardless of fluctuations in the rest of life.

Fat burners also know how to assess their own biologies as to whether or not they’re solidly IN a fat burning mode or not.

And then they know how to make adjustments (or if they have wiggle room).

So when sleep is off, but everything else is ON – the impact that makes is minimized.

Freeing & helpful, yes?

So if you feel like there’s been ONE THING that’s keeping you back from what you desire, there may perhaps be 4 (or more) things that could make that less of an obstacle.

Learn about how this works & a program (Fat Burning Mastery) that could help.


To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.

xox, M