Hello Dear One!
Are there things that you ALWAYS do that help create a sense of order, harmony or support in your world?
Good. Me too.
Or no?
Well if there’s a change you’ve been desiring, that feels challenging to either make happen or STAY happening – this series might be useful.
So IF there’s a slight awareness that certain things might be quite supportive or even TRANSFORMATIVE the next question is WHEN the heck do we do these things?
Good question.
In general, if you want to make sure something happens in your day 2 things that can be helpful.
1. Have a set time for it & schedule around it.
2. Do it first thing in the morning.
When we get loose around WHEN new habits are to happen, they DON’T.
But if you focus on it & don’t indulge the sing songy voice in your head that involves a “Maybe”, or a “Later”, “Tomorrow”… = not happening).
It will.
If you’re important what you want is too.
And you are.
If you’d like to have reinforcement of such belief especially in the realm of fitness or fat loss – Fat Burning Mastery might be worth a look.
5 weeks to go from sugar burning and depleted to solidly in a fat burning mode where you’re clear on why YOU and what you want matters+.
Check it out here.
To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.
xox, M