Make Your Bed. Workout. #why

Hello My Darling!

Are there things that you ALWAYS do that help create a sense of order, harmony or support in your world?

Good. Me too.

Or no?

Well if there’s a change you’ve been desiring, that feels challenging to either make happen or STAY happening – this series might be useful.



Ok, I believe most of us think about the direct result of any given action or behavior being the bulk of the benefit that we receive.

I disagree.

Sure, if we make our bed and workout we have a bed that looks nice when we pass by it next, and hopefully a fit body that feels good.

However I beg to mention something even more significant that results based on those consistently done behaviors.


Discipline can have a negative connotation that evokes feelings of deprivation or punishment.

I feel quite the contrary.

Discipline is FREEING.

When you are disciplined (at the very least with a few solid and supportive behaviors) you become like a super hero.


Able to do ANYTHING.

Simply by stepping through the occasional (or frequent!) “blerch” point, you become strong in the face of adversity, and know that you can weather that momentary discomfort to reap the rewards of what’s on the other side.

And knowledge of how that works, and experience doing it in one place means you can do it EVERYWHERE.

And if you can do it everywhere that pretty much ensures that if there’s a prize your eyes can land on, you will be able to do what you need to do in order to have precisely what you want.


Life changing.

And incredibly exciting.

And if you’d like to have assistance (& understanding!) w reinforcement as to WHY certain choices are important to make in order to get what you want in the realm of fitness or fat loss (as well as who you’ll become as a result) – Fat Burning Mastery might be worth a look.

LOADS of handholding included!

Because it’s necessary!

If you’d like to be under extreme watchfulness 😂 and care for 5 weeks while you go from sugar burning to solidly in a fat burning mode where this stuff is on repeat,

please check out the program details here:


To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.

xox, M