Make Your Bed. Workout. #how

Hello Dear One!

Are there things that you ALWAYS do that help create a sense of order, harmony or support in your world?

Good. Me too.

Or no?

Well if there’s a change you’ve been desiring, that feels challenging to either make happen or STAY happening – this series might be useful.



Ok!  I got this!

This is actually simple.

Admittedly it DOES take a bunch of kick starting to get things up and running, but if something has eluded you in the past – this is a pretty sure fire way to make it happen.

So if the blog post on #where talked about attention, #how will speak to energy & visualization.

If you want something to happen FOCUS on it happening.

Don’t focus on it NOT happening for one.

And PLEASE don’t focus on how much you don’t want to do it, how hard it will be, how it won’t work anyway...


Please don’t.

Instead focus on either how incredible that thing will be in the doing or what it will provide.

What life will be like when ________…

(Because there’s probably a reason why you want it in the first place.)

OR if it’s a necessary evil that HAS to happen that (at this moment) doesn’t embody it’s own joy.


Tell yourself how THRILLING _______ will be to do!

How you can’t WAIT to get to do ________!

I’m so excited that I get to _________!

Over & over & over again.

What we focus on happens, & what gets our attention exists!!!

And if we don’t focus on it, it doesn’t!!


Nothing before this moment matters, ESPECIALLY if you’re not loving what’s been going on.

If you want to do different shit, focus on it.

Not on the fact that you haven’t, and you probably won’t follow through this time either…


Only what you want.

How what you want actually DOES feel.

How what you want to do will be SO FUN!!

That business gets you onboard with yourself making what you want happen, and reaping the rewards of your efforts.

And if you’d like to have assistance (and understanding!) in the realm of fitness or fat loss, in a way that makes follow through lighter and fun and feel POSSIBLEFat Burning Mastery might be worth a look.

The amount of handholding in this program is ridiculous.

Because it’s necessary.

If you’d like to be under extreme watchfulness 😂 and care for 5 weeks while you go from sugar burning to solidly in a fat burning mode where this stuff is on repeat,

please check out the program details here:


To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.

xox, M