Reinforcement, Love, and Motivation

Hello Dear One!

Is it SUPER easy to lose perspective once you’ve begun trying to implement something new in your life?

Are you far too quick to employ all or nothing thinking? 

Be consumed with what is or is NOT happening?

Have a knee jerk reaction to criticizing yourself?

Or throw in the towel long before it would be expected to enjoy the fruits of your labor??

If all those things sound familiar, AND if your typical MO makes you shy away from starting something new more often than not – PLEASE know that you’re NOT alone.

And also PLEASE check out this video that might give you a reality check around how some parts of change work, and a little encouragement to either try, try again, or simply keep going.

Reinforcement, Love & Motivation.


To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.


xox, M