Hello Dear One!
Perhaps it’s all too clear that there is more to the matter when we reach for a particular food substance when we’re not quite hungry, or maybe even far beyond full…
But perhaps not.
Feelings are the deal here.
And often the feelings that feel less desirable are the ones that get dismissed the fastest, and sadly also hold the greatest gifts and create the most change.
Our feelings help us to stay connected to ourselves and show us what’s needed to be done.
When we shut them down we suffer the torment of mistreatment due to whatever our (generally regret filled) method of choice is, AS WELL as the fact that we stay precisely where we are.
As well as the fact that we actually needed to be doing a two-step in a very different direction.
If you’d like to check out a little more of a heartfelt share on this matter (and get more insight on why I have come to know so much about weight loss as a whole, ahem), please check out this video.
Emotional Eating and Weight Loss
And if you have a wish to understand more about the 5 week program of Fat Burning Mastery that SPEAKS to emotional eating, the drivers, tools to help unburden a being, as well as help prevent it in the first place, please check that out here.
To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.
xox, M