Benefits of Being Hungry – #3. Better Digestion

Hello My Darling!



Apparently the actual “rumble”, of your tummy indicates that peristaltic waves are being sent through your small intestine to help sweep bad bacteria towards your large intestine where they can be dealt with.

If you never allow your stomach to get empty/hungry – you never allow this to happen.

(And the negative of NOT allowing that bacteria to be swept out can be – bloating, gas, belching, constipation, and/or diarrhea.)

So getting into the camp of, “I could really eat.”, enables bad bacteria to be put where they belong and to prevent the unpleasantness of indigestion+.

If you’d like the ability to COMFORTABLY get hungry without running the risk of feeling light headed, cranky or crazy ( = HANGRY = classic Sugar Burning stuff), see where you fall on the spectrum via this questionnaire.

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xox, M