What to do if You’re NOT Getting to the Gym

Hello Dear One!

It’s all well and good to set supportive intentions for ourselves and proudly follow through, but what happens when we don’t?

What if part of your plan is to get yourself to the gym more often than not, but it simply has NOT been happening?

What most of us do is we throw the baby out with the bathwater.

We say, “F it!”, or, “I’ll start tomorrow/next week/after the holiday.”, and we abandon ship fully vs assess what we actually CAN do despite not doing ALL of what we intended.

So let’s take advantage of this novel perspective shift, because truthfully the all or nothing thinking (and behavior) keeps us EXACTLY where we are.  Or often even sliding downhill.

So, what to do if you’re NOT getting to the gym?

Don’t beat yourself up about it, instead let’s focus on what you CAN do.

#1. Be honest about what you’re eating.

– Either aim to talk yourself off the ledge of throwing in the towel and eating ALL the sexy and sinful carbs that you could ever want TODAY (just today).

– OR have whatever decadent offering you could desire in a smaller amount, preferably at the END of your meal (ie: when you’re mostly FULL).

#2. Get 7+ hours of sleep.

– Certain hormones get recalibrated that support your thyroid while you sleep, and your thyroid is actually the Mac Daddy of your metabolism.

#3. Stress less.

– When we get jacked up by any number of things hormones like cortisol and adrenaline rise as well. Sadly these hormones are designed to keep us in a sugar burning mode and will undeniably make us more hungry, and negatively impact insulin levels as well (fat storing hormone).

#4. Detoxification.

– Really really. Detoxification is like a secret weapon in the realm of weight loss. A less burdened body will enable helpful fat reducing hormones to access cell receptor sites, to generate more energy (burn more fat) due to healthy mitochondria (powerhouse of cell), and to keep the liver in fat metabolism mode vs dealing with other chemicals/pollutants/poison (ahem ALCOHOL) that could literally kill us.

– And we’re not talking about the 3 day juice cleanse kind. Detoxification is a CONSTANT process, so if you wish to support it SOUNDLY you MUST be doing something daily/constantly.

If you’d like to know more about detoxification+ in the realm of fat loss, check out a 5 day series on Fat Loss here:

If you’d like to peruse a program that supports the process of detoxification BIG TIME, check out the 5 week Fat Burning Mastery program here:

Or if you desire to get support on a variety of fronts that possibly include personal training (in person or online), fat loss, mindset, or not feeling OLD, as well as help in the detoxification department (hint, hint, we ALL need it), please check out this series of coaching programs here:

Oh! Or my new podcast, the Unbound podcast, here!!

(Recent episodes include, Nuts & Cheese, Abba Dabba Do & Spot Reduction, and Binging and the Brain)

To knowing that all is NEVER lost, & that there’s ALWAYS something we can do. 

To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.

xox, M