Hello Dear One!
If weight loss has been the name of your game, chances are, carbs have also been asked NOT to play.
The deal is that carbohydrates DO easily make the body release insulin, which CAN be a fat storing hormone, plus we tend to need to eat more of them calorically to be full, plus eating certain ones can also intensify cravings for more of them… (and the list goes on).
So IF you’ve sworn off them and are EITHER virtuously striving to eat mostly protein and produce (rough stuff because neither are good sources of fuel), or even in more of a ketogenic (fat burning manner withOUT instruction from MOI), you may also have had a less than desirable experience of your body losing weight.
And then that weight loss slowing.
And stopping.
Despite doing anything differently.
And you might have even doubled down on your efforts to no avail.
WTF?!? Honestly!
So the deal is you clearly didn’t change the formula for success, but your body changed the rules.
Your body’s #1 objective is to KEEP YOU ALIVE.
And truth be told the more fat you have on your frame, the more primed for SURVIVAL you are.
(ie: Being in the wilderness without food.)
So, when we start to cut CALORIES and CARBS, certain hormones (namely Leptin) start to shift that enable us to release fat and be satisfied with a smaller/moderate amount of food.
LEPTIN is your weight loss friend.
And the more fat you have on your frame, and the more calories AND CARBS you’re consuming, typically the higher your leptin levels are.
Which is why it’s easier to lose weight when you do have more to lose.
So what to do when reducing CALORIES and CARBS ARE a really smart approach to reducing weight?
You periodically have carb feasts.
CARB FEASTS are something we do in the Fat Burning Mastery program strategically (and with regularity!) that re-up our LEPTIN levels, give the body the knowledge that there is PLENTY of food accessible, and that it’s safe to keep releasing weight.
This 2 steps forward 1/4 step back approach sounds counterintuitive but is SO EFFECTIVE.
PLUS it always gives people a place for the carbs that they never stopped loving, but are no longer beholden to based on being UN-ADDICTED due to getting into a FAT BURNING MODE!
If you’d like to understand more about the 5 parts that make up fat loss, please click here.
If you’d like to understand more about what’s involved in the Fat Burning Mastery program where you are EDUCATED about the NECESSITY of having your cake and eating it too, and INSTRUCTED precisely HOW to consume it in a way that HELPS with weight loss, please check that out here.
If you’d like some assistance and instruction on the coaching or fitness front, please check out this series of programs here.
And if you’ve yet to check out the latest episode of the Unbound Podcast on Lethal Leftovers and how to NOT eat ALL the leftover cake, please give that a listen here.
Fat loss can be freeing! If you’re struggling, make sure you learn how.
To getting you clearer on how the body works, and how to make it work for you.
xox, M