Hello Dear One!
If you’ve ever been highly desiring what increased strength might afford, or simply wished to work your body in a way that was complete and EFFICIENT – this sharing is for you.
Strength training is KIND OF essential if you want to have a body that is able, COMFORTABLE, and doesn’t feel OLD.
Being WEAK will make you feel old (in pain, stiff, feeble…).
But being STRONG will make you feel LIGHT and at ease in your body.
So if this seems like the most reasonable thing to have as a part of your life, BUT haven’t known where to focus your efforts, THIS is where.
There are any number of exercises that will enhance functional strength in the body, but these four main movers are the best for most bodies, and will give you the most bang for your buck for your efforts.
2. DEADLIFTS (or lunges)
4. PULL-UPS (or a variation thereof)
These four exercises work EVERYTHING, and they work your body as more of a unit with each individual exercise by incorporating multiple muscle groups.
And what incorporating multiple muscle groups results in is a larger expenditure of energy (calories burned) and a greater functional strength due to training your body as more of a unit (which it is).
These exercises will help with balance (as overall strength does) and POWER.
If you’re someone that either wants to have a well rounded strength that will help you to do any number of things casually in life, or deliberately in an activity of your desire, OR you simply want to spend LESS time exercising – THESE are the exercises for you.
Here are some quick video visuals for each of them from my ebook Power & Pain – a step by step guide to keep you injury free and strongest in any move.
Power & Pain – Squats (full ROM)
(these are far less complicated for the average bear, so I’ll encourage these unless your already proficient with deadlifts)
Power & Pain – Push-up w Packed Shoulders
And if you desire more detail or instruction, check the complete progression in the ebook Power & Pain, or the in person version of Power & Pain OR another training program that incorporates the same concepts.
If weight loss (and IMPROVED HEALTH) is still desired please check out the 5 Parts of Fat Loss.
If you’d like to understand more about the program I take people through to get them into a fat burning mode and clear about how weight loss works for LIFE, please give the Fat Burning Mastery program a look here.
And if you’ve yet to check out the Unbound podcast that speaks on all things fat loss, fitness and freedom related, please check that out here, or EVEN the specific episode, “Train Different, Gain Different”, to understand more about how to tailor your exercise choices to create a body that looks, functions, and feels as you desire.
To getting you clearer on how the body works, and how to make it work for you.
xox, M