How Intermittent Fasting Slows Aging

Hello Dear One!

Have you heard about Intermittent Fasting yet??

It’s essentially when you eat less meals over a shorter duration of the day.  This is done in a variety of ways, but that’s the basic premise.

(Read more about fasting in greater detail in a previous post – The Full Frontal on Fasting).

The challenge that most people have with swallowing this concept is that when you’re in a Sugar Burning mode going for ANY decent stretch without food is LITERALLY inconceivable.

When the body is in a Fat Burning mode it COMFORTABLY sails into the day with NO FOOD, works out in a fasted state, never gets “HANGRY”, and doesn’t need a snack before bed – besides many other convenient and surprising attributes.

If you’d like to understand more about what makes up this magical ability, and how to get there please Learn to Burn. and check out the 5 Week Fat Burning Mastery Program.

Now that awareness has risen about the numerous benefits of Intermittent Fasting for:

– ease in weight loss

– reduction in inflammation

– elevation of Human Growth Hormone (and with it Testosterone)

– enhanced Insulin sensitivity

– increased energy

– improved sleep

– improved memory

– and an easier lifestyle that is undeniably waistline and whole health supportive

But did you also know that a byproduct of Intermittent Fasting is also a SLOWING OF THE AGING PROCESS???!??

When the body gets into a Fat Burning mode and can comfortably do Intermittent Fasting, it’s indicative that the body has become more METABOLICALLY EFFICIENT.

Burning glucose leads to more inflammation created by the reactive oxygen species that is a cast off from the inefficient nature of using it for fuel.

When the body burns fat there is 16 times more energy in it than in the same molecule of glucose.

FAT = burn less, make more ENERGY

Plus the nature of getting into a Fat Burning mode makes you BETTER at creating energy from EVERYTHING you consume (fat, protein and CARBS).


SO!  Slowing Aging!

When one is in a Sugar Burning state they are generally eating OFTEN.

Most Sugar Burners eat three square meals a day, with snacks in between, and often with something before bed.

What ends up happening with this casual (and more or less constant) grazing is that the cells have SO MUCH FUEL that it seems reasonable to keep undergoing mitosis (cell division).

If you’ve read ANYTHING about anti-aging you’ve probably heard about telomeres and how cells having a finite number of times to divide before they expire.

Telomeres get shorter each time a cell copies itself…Eventually telomeres get too short to do their job, causing out cells to age and stop functioning properly.  Therefore, telomeres act as the aging clock in every cell.”

So if you can prolong the time between cell division will you subsequently slow the aging process.

CONVERSELY what happens in a Fat Burning mode when you are participating in the regular practice of Intermittent Fasting your cells CLEAN themselves UP!  

Because the body isn’t constantly ingesting fuel, the cells get industrious and do more than just replicate.

The cells will consume damaged bits of themselves, and possibly even commit autophagy (self eating) if the information in the environment dictates to do so (ie: disease) – versus speed up their (and YOUR) life cycle.

The hardwired biological mode of Fat Burning continues to astound me and reward all who make a point to get into it.

Please Learn to Burn if you’ve yet to and about the 5 Week Fat Burning Mastery program if one stop shopping for diet, health, and a sustainable lifestyle is something you’re desiring in this new year.

Also if you’re in the market for assistance with your fitness or not getting hurt in the act of exercise (or LIFE), please check out this list of coaching and training programs.

And if you’d like to hear more about Intermittent Fasting and using Bulletproof Coffee to help in the effort, please check out the Unbound Podcast with the same title.

To getting you clearer on how the body works, and how to make it work for you.  

xox, M