What is a Complete Protein?

Hello Dear One,

Now that we’ve established the importance of muscle and why you might wish to maintain it – how DO we FEED it?

Protein is the answer, and complete protein at that.

Complete proteins are from all things flesh, fish, fowl, eggs and dairy.

If it came from an animal – it’s undeniably a complete protein.

Unfortunately as the trend for a plant based diet gains momentum – getting your protein needs on one is simply harder to do.


Because we’re not made of the same material as plants.


We’re made of the same material as ANIMALS – so feeding our TISSUE from the same source makes sense.

Expecting to rebuilt from plant parts only isn’t.

Even when certain items tout being a good plant based protein source – like hemp or quinoa – it’s simply not as bio available as an animal source.

And if you DO try to match it, the caloric and carbohydrate toll would be overwhelming.

Now soy does seem to be a bit of a loophole – but tempeh might be a better option in that department.

I also have been recently made aware of the benefit of the blending of soy, rice, and pea protein to create an offering that’s complete.


BRANCH CHAIN AMINO ACIDS would be supremely helpful in the plant based effort.

If you still wish to maintain a plant based lifestyle – it might serve you to incorporate these bio available amino acids essential for muscle building that a plant based diet does NOT easily contain.

BCAA’s contain the amino acids Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine which specifically affect muscle growth.

This will ensure you’re getting all you easily need – maintaining the muscle mass you have and potentially even growing more in the future.

BCAA’s are LESS important for those of us who eat meat – because we can simply eat a complete protein source.

Lastly, remember some rough numbers worth considering for protein consumption if you’d like to really optimize the stuff: 1g of protein per pound of ideal body weight.

Or 100g for women and 150g for men.

PLUS eating 30-50g at a sitting triggers protein synthesis which BUILDS muscle.

As fat burners we eat less often enabling the likelihood of that bolus of protein to be attained, PLUS eating less often also resets the body’s ability to trigger protein synthesis BETTER.

If you’d like to learn about Fat Burning PRO (self study), or Fat Burning Mastery (more hand holding) where we naturally preserve muscle by never running the risk of breaking it down for fuel AND even recycle proteinĀ  – please check these programs out.


To getting you clearer on how the body works, and how to make it work for you.

xox, M