Hello Darling One!
What’s one simple step that you could do to easily speed up weight loss?
And specifically FAT, and probably most importantly NUTS and CHEESE.
Full stop – please measure (or at least have an awareness) about the amount of butter and oil you are using in your delectable fat burning dishes.
That should be relatively easy, and you might even be surprised just how SATISFYING one tablespoon of oil in a salad is compared to an indiscriminate generous pour for you alone.
But the other two heavy hitters that deserve your undivided attention most days of the week (except at carb feast meals = eat, drink, and be merry) are NUTS and CHEESE.
These two DELICIOUS offerings are SNEAKY with how MANY calories they contain for how UNfilling they are.
I shared with my fat burners on our weekly call that, “If you want to gain weight quickly – eat lots of nuts, nut butters and cheese.”.
It’s SO EASY to calorically WAY overeat this stuff and still feel stumped as to why the scale isn’t budging (or perhaps moving in an undesired direction).
How to remedy this situation?
It can feel like a total pain in the ass to place things in a kitchen implement as we’re readying our meal, but if you’re a lover and frequent user…DO IT.
The habit is simpler to establish than you might think and your waistline will more than thank you for it.
And lastly how to make this adjustment in amount seem more logical in your meal?
Use nuts and cheese for TASTE! For FLAVOR! TEXTURE! As a GARNISH!
NOT for fuel.
Have them with other bulkier, more robust pairings.
Have them ON/IN things (salads, soup, cooked vegetables, protein of choice, in your USANA shake, Greek yogurt, coconut milk pudding, FROZEN YOGURT BARK = TRY THIS!).
But basically as an accompaniment.
So there you are!
Measure out what you eat more often than not that’s calorie rich (HIGH FAT = butter, oil, nuts and cheese), and aim to dial it back to a serving or two and see how that treats you AND your waistline.
And if you’d like to get your body into a fat burning mode where it’s positioned to STORE energy LESS and BURN FAT MORE please check out Fat Burning PRO or Fat Burning Mastery for more handholding and one on one help.
To getting you clearer on how the body works, and how to make it work for you.
xox, M