Eat More Protein to Want Less Carbs

Hello Dear Ones!

Have you ever been faced with the pull to continue to consume with the feeling of NO END in sight?


Now it’s one thing to be HUNGRY and NEED FUEL, but sometimes it can feel like we simply can’t get full despite eating a large volume of food.

So what gives?

And what to do?

Do we simply knowingly over consume or go without and end up feeling deprived??

The option is no to both.


Truth be told we can both eat a GOOD amount of fat easily and honestly an OVERWHELMING amount of carbohydrates without having a flag thrown or being benched.

But the macronutrient that tends to pull us up short and give us a clear signal of DONE is PROTEIN.

This is probably because the body actually REQUIRES a certain amount of protein and will keep CALLING OUT FOR MORE until it’s satisfied.

The daily benchmark I look at for women at is at least 90-100g/day, and at least 150g for men.

You might feel COMPLETELY different if you aim to prioritize getting that amount overall in your meals.

**Additionally FIBER can be a winning add in – BUT fiber won’t necessarily KEEP you full forever.  Make sure to have it along with other more substantial offerings.

So there you are, check it out and see what happens.




I always tell my Fat Burners that everything is an EXPERIMENT. 

Try out something new and SEE WHAT HAPPENS.

Your body is always the best source of trustworthy feedback and guidance.

If you’d like more support and instruction in the realm of weight loss to make it easier to BURN FAT vs store it – please check out Fat Burning PRO, or Fat Burning Mastery (more one on one attention).

To getting you clearer on how the body works, and how to make it work for you.

xox, M