Summertime Party Prep for Weight Loss

Hello Dear One!

Do you assume that more parties and outings mean less ideal food, more alcohol, and inevitable weight gain?

IF you’re like most people, you’ve either thought (or EXPERIENCED) that partaking in SUMMERTIME FUN will undeniably increase your waistline AND/OR keep you at a standstill from your weight loss goals.

Is that honestly a given??


Truth be told the majority RULES.


So if parties are daily AND you’re going for it in an unconscious way each and every time – then it probably WILL be hard to manage that influx of carbs, calories, and alcohol.

BUT if we’re inclined to be a little more mindful, a little more choosy, AND use STRATEGY to our advantage – we can ABSOLUTELY have our cookout cupcakes and eat them too.

Here are 3 PREGAMING TACTICS that I would encourage you to use ALWAYS/OFTEN when you are wishing to help yourself in the weight loss effort.



Are you tired of hearing about this yet?

Are you using it daily, ESPECIALLY when you’re headed into a CARB LOADED environment??

No?  Then I’l keep crowing about it.

2 TBS of ACV, few dashes of stevia, in 16oz of water.

I heartily encourage my fat burners to use this when they feel a little hungry and they’d either like to hold off until their next meal, or when it’s LATE and they’d really rather NOT eat a load of (unideal) food right before bed.

This technique is also fabulous for helping to stabilize BLOOD SUGAR therefore making your body release LESS INSULIN (fat storing hormone) regardless of what you eat following.


If you’re drinking alcohol, these are two good friends to keep by your side.

Vitamin C helps prevent the conversion of alcohol into the metabolite adelhyde – which is involved in hangovers and SPEEDS UP AGING.

And Activated Charcoal helps to pull toxins from the large intestine.

Take the Vitamin C BEFORE you start partying down, and take the Activated Charcoal either with each beverage (one capsule per), or a SEVERAL at the end of your night.

Please DRINK LOADS OF WATER in addition to these supplements, as the body NEEDS water to excrete toxins. 

Fat Burners are well supported in the realm of detoxification – so we tend to process garbage faster, BUT this is a great approach for EVERYONE.

Alcohol puts fat metabolism on hold, so the faster you get this junk out of your body – the faster you’ll get back to more desirable business.


As someone who has increasing respect for eating a substantial amount of PROTEIN DAILY and who only EATS ONCE a DAY – I’m VERY conscious about making sure I have what I need around going out to eat or eating at a party.

The other truth is PROTEIN MAKES US FEEL FULL.

If we do NOT consume enough protein (90-100g/day for women, 150g/day for men – AT LEAST), the body will keep us grazing until we reach it’s needed amount.

So a simple way to head that high calorie consuming behavior off at the pass is to GIVE OURSELVES WHAT WE NEED. 


I will either make a protein shake with Fibergy and keep it in a blender bottle in my bag and use if needed – or sometimes I’ll have it before I head where I’m heading.

This way it ensures I’ll get what I need for the day protein wise AND by adding Fibergy I’ll also have another positive buffer for blood sugar plus it helps with gut health, perfect elimination, and also makes us feel happily FULL with less food.

So those are three super useful tactics that I use and encourage my Fat Burners to do the same.

If you’d like to check out Fat Burning PRO (self study) or Fat Burning Mastery (one on one support) to get your body wired to burn fat while making it HARDER to GAIN WEIGHT – please check things out.

To getting you clearer on how the body works, and how to make it work for you.

xox, M