Feel Calmer this Holiday Season

Hello Dear One!

Hoping you are well and not feeling like you are on an increasingly fast moving train of activities and obligations resulting in you feeling frazzled and overwhelmed.

I say this because not only is that state less than pleasant, but we also DO less than pleasant things FOR US when we need to CHILL the F out.

Like eat.  And drink.

While eating and drinking might be top of the list of MERRY in your world, tipping point behavior often ends in regret and negative repercussions that send us whirling towards the New Year chock FULL of resolutions.

So what to do?




Even if you have to GO, GO, GO – still make sure you pause at times and actually notice what’s around you.  If even for a moment.

Make a point to run through your 5 senses (touch, taste, sight, smell, sound)…and then carry on.

Those few seconds of time can help us become aware of what’s around us, feel more connected, more able to focus, and more in enjoyment of what we’re actually doing now/next.


There are so many ways to use your breath for your betterment.

I used to find this endlessly irritating, but truth be told it has VALUE especially if you wish to change a multitude of things.


1. To GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD and into this moment = just pay attention to your breath.

2. To CALM DOWN when you are WAY WIGGED out, or to even help you to fall asleep faster = do this breathing technique.

3. To SLOW or STOP compulsive eating/drinking = take three deep breaths WHILE you’re chewing and WAIT until done with that cycle to take the next bite.


I’ve been talking about this a bunch on Facebook because the awareness/practice of this is BLOWING my mind.

If you’ve ever wrestled with using ANYTHING (I can’t speak to chemical addictions) in an addictive manner, this tactic will serve you well.

Essentially when we’re participating in behavior we REALLY WANT to do, that we also REALLY REGRET doing afterwards – altering our focus before/during helps LOADS with disengaging from that bullshit behavior.

Disenchantment is focusing on why you actually DON’T wish to participate in the behavior. 

Recognizing that what you get from the act is actually quite negative.

I should probably do a whole blogpost about this and what I’ve been currently learning about addiction…

But in the meantime, make two lists.

PROS of what you get from eating/drinking/shopping/etc in a manner that ends in regret.

Rate them from 1-10 where 1 is no big deal and 10 = this is AMAZING!

Then make a list of the CONS of what you get from the same experience, and rate those as well from 1-10 with 1 = no big deal, and 10 = this makes my life suck.

Get familiar with the CONS (if you actually want to change things), and then keep putting those CONS front and center in your attention before/during/after you’re doing the deed.

It’s amazing how this changes behavior.


Have we talked about this enough times for it to feel repetitive??

Ha!  GOOD if so!

Gratitude is MAGICAL!

Gratitude will get you PRESENT and take you HIGHER!!!

It will make you more money, create more FUN, have you feel closer and more loving to others…it’s GREAT!

This is such a smart muscle to build as having the MINDSET of GRATITUDE enables you to have the most desirable lens through which to look, and creates a well that far less frequently runs dry.

So I think that’s it!

Making your, “House” feel like a Home, really comes from the peace and joy that we cultivate and create within.

It’s so easy to wish to run away when we feel stressed or anxious and USE SOMETHING or SOMEONE, but the more we connect to our bodies, let go of behaviors that no longer serve us, and focus on what’s RIGHT and WONDERFUL in our lives the more we feel GREAT.



And if you are looking to PASS ALONG the feeling of love, joy, peace, or even presence – I invite you to check out Unbound’s (budding brand) Gift Certificate offerings (check out Store for all possibilities).  

There are a multitude of ways you can give to someone beginning, or deepening, their fitness and health journey – and each one comes with the BONUS of FREE Health Coaching/Consulting sessions (number depends on value of gift, ends 12/31/21).

So take advantage of this BONUS for another or for YOU to get clearer on where you are, and where you might wish to go.

Please be in touch with any questions or needs.

Love to all.


To getting you clearer on how the body works, and how to make it work for you.

xox, M